Joining us . . .
Our e-newsletter is free (you can sign up for it here).
. . . but if you – as an individual or organisation – share our aims, to see a secure future for historic religious buildings, perhaps you’d like to support us by becoming a member?
Membership is suitable both for individuals and organisations, whether small or large, commercial or not-for-profit. Members are concerned for historic religious buildings from a wide spectrum of faiths and denominations.
Note that membership is not open to government or its agencies (see foot of this page).
The benefits of Membership are:
- attend our informative Members Briefings; two per year, in person, each one over a full afternoon; and have access to our two Brief Briefings by Zoom each year, each of an hour or less
- network with similar organisations, and those with overlapping interests
- play your part in contributing towards the cost of the free e-newsletter
- receive occasional ad hoc briefings on current issues, and influence our thinking where you have expert knowledge
- have access to members’ protected area of website
- ask for your relevant events to be added to our e-newsletter
- where relevant, help us make a case to government or other agencies
Most of all, you will be part of an organisation helping people work together for the future of historic religious buildings, and will have an inside track on all the latest developments.
The subscription depend on whether you are an individual or an organisation, and the size and nature of your organisation. Please contact us for subscription rates.
If you would like to join, or learn more about membership, please contact us, and we will come back to you with details. (This may take a few days.)
Government and its agencies
Membership is not open to the Government or its agencies. However some agencies have observer status: please contact us if you think this may be appropriate.